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Women in an evolving world of work: towards a 50-50 planet in 2030'

A round table, moderated by Riccardo Luna, journalist, director of Green & Blue, at the Orangery of the Museo Orto Botanico in Rome with the CNEL - National Council for Economy and Labour we talked about #women, #economy, #work, #environment and presented the report to the Club of Rome #EARTH FOR ALL, essential reading to face a #change of system for #humanity within the limits of our #planetaryland

Women, Economy and Work, Society, Food, Education, Environment.

The occasion is the release of the latest report to the Club of Rome, the Italian edition of which, edited by Gianfranco Bologna, An EARTH FOR ALL, A GUIDE TO THE SURVIVAL OF HUMANITY, an extraordinary document that, in a clear and easily accessible manner for all, explains that we find ourselves amid a planetary-scale emergency that we have created and illustrates, giving us the keys, what a genuine change of system for the whole of humanity concretely consists of.

The report's analysis focused on two deeply connected systems: people and planet, or more explicitly, the global economy and the Earth's life support system. And it identifies the path to building equitable prosperity within the limits of our planet through sustainable actions for an economy of care, a new way of looking at what creates and sustains wealth while protecting the planet..

Caring is a typically feminine concept; most of us are children of a woman who has cared for us. Care is work done with love; care is not productive but regenerative.

The Latin root gen, related to a whole series of terms such as 'generosity', 'geniality', or 'generate', and expresses the idea of something that 'comes into being', 'germinate', and is capable of lasting over time, leaving a mark, even creating a tradition.

In our DNA, we women have these codes, and therefore we have the tools.

It is no coincidence that the E4A report identifies precisely the empowerment of women, one of the turning points, one of the levers, for the achievement of a shared prosperity, socially oriented, creative, connective, capable of positively impacting on the forms of producing, innovating, living, caring, organising, investing, injecting new life into them.

This year's International Women's Day (sanctioned by the United Nations in 1975 to celebrate the progress in economic, political and cultural spheres achieved by women worldwide) has as its theme 'Women in an evolving world of work: towards a 50-50 planet in 2030'. It is a theme that, not surprisingly, aims to promote achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals, specifically goals 5 and 4.

5: gender equality and empowerment (self-determination) of women and girls;

4: global access to quality training and lifelong learning.

Although much progress has been made in these areas thanks to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals, many women and girls worldwide continue to be victims of violence and discrimination, lacking access to education and employment.


The advent of technology, in particular capital-intensive technology, has led to an abrupt decline of all labour-based work, neo-liberal policies of privatisation, deregulation of markets, and globalisation have increased the growth of inequalities - the cause of growing social tensions - and expanded the number of those living in precariousness.

We have plundered 75 per cent of the planet's natural resources.

Our action has been so intense and so destructive that scientists have proposed to designate the current period of Earth's history with the term ANTHROPOCENE to show how the devastating effects of Man's action are equal to the impact produced by plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, and the significant events that have occurred in the 4.6 billion years of planet Earth's existence.

And yet, our time orientation in history was very different from today, and EFFICIENCY is an anomaly of progress; instead of adapting to the rhythm of Nature, as we have done for the last 200,000 years, we have pretended, in the previous two centuries of industrialisation, to adapt the Nature to our species in the name of efficiency in productivity measured in results and consumption of resources.

On the other hand, nature is about ADAPTATION IN TIME and REGENERATION that brings PROSPERITY.

The good news, however, is that we are in the midst of the Third Industrial Revolution, the technological one, and we must/can work towards a profound transformation that unites the world in a vast digital infrastructure of SHARING, especially from the energy point of view, but also, for example, that eliminates transport logistics and relocates the production of goods. The goal is no longer multinationals but many small, diverse, fluid and agile companies able to adapt to the needs of the climate, which will remain unstable in the millennia to come.

We must, therefore, urgently shift from a growth economy based on EFFICIENCY to a growth economy based on PROSPERITY and urgently convert to productivity capable of regeneration.

We must rethink the concept of the 'autonomous self' that makes us believe that we are autonomous, detached individuals, putting us in competition with our fellow human beings in search of self-sufficiency. Because it is not true that we are self-sufficient, but we depend on the life that our planet makes available to us (oxygen, water, earth, sun, wind, etc.), and we are part of this complex system to be protected with love and for our own lives.

Consuelo Fabriani

March 8th, 2023



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